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People often eat harmful foods, because they are tasty and should rather be ranked as useless for human health. But sometimes truly unique products can appear on the tables of people - there are still those who eat terrible-tasting dishes that can also cause significant damage to health and even kill. You should carefully study the list of hazardous dishes that many people continue to eat for reasons beyond logic.

Dangerous Carambola Fruit

In the fruit cannon in the composition of a lot of vitamin C , because of what it could be classified as healthy foods. However, a carambola is categorically impossible with gastritis and an ulcer due to the presence of oxalic acid in it , which is a real poison for such patients. For healthy people, the use of carambola in large quantities can result in the development of renal failure, so it is better to avoid this fruit in your own diet.

Swine fish fishi

Delicacy fishi
The list of the most dangerous dishes of the world contains Egyptian delicacy fisi. This is a rotten mullet , which every spring throws on the coast of the Nile during the river. Locals consume a dangerous dish of fisih during the annual celebration of Sham-el-Nissim, which unsuccessfully tries to warn the Ministry of Health of Egypt. Doctors demand to stop eating a dish that is capable of causing severe body poisoning and death, but the tribute to the traditions of the Egyptians is so far more developed than common sense.

Poisonous bullfrog

Asian and African restaurateurs often "spoil" their guests with large representatives of amphibian bullfrogs. The paws of these animals have a pleasant taste, but their skin and insides are poisonous, and since these amphibians are easily confused with other members of the genus, the dangerous dishes prepared from them can easily get on the table at any time.

Puffer fish

Puffer fish
The most dangerous dishes mean nothing next to the famous puffer fish containing a lethal dosage of tetrodotoxin. Only skilled chefs will be able to competently cook this dish, removing all the poisonous parts from the fish so that all the meat that remains in the fish is completely edible, but no one can guarantee the safety of the delicacy. Every year in Japan, people die from fugu poisoning.

Live octopus "San Nak Ji"

Live octopus "San Nak Ji"
In Korea or Japan, live octopus is served on a plate with greens. From the delicacy, it is customary in the restaurant hall to cut off the pieces, despite the fact that the octopus itself remains alive at the time of submission. The most dangerous dishes of the world can fade before eating a live octopus seasoned with all sorts of sauces, because according to international statistics, every year this food preference kills six gourmets on average.
The octopus itself is not poisonous, the danger lies in the fact that by eating it alive, a person allows the animal to remain awake in the mouth and esophagus, which often leads to suffocation. The octopus sucks its suckers to the esophagus and is trying to get out with all its might.
With all the horror of the process in countries where they eat live octopuses, the dish is considered to be a dietary one, since there is absolutely no fat in the octopus .

Kasu rotten cheese

The rotten cheese Kasu Marzu
In Sardinian, the name "Kasu martsu" means "rotten cheese", which in reality corresponds to reality. How an unknown chef decided to infect normal cheese with fly larvae and then eat the resulting substance is still a mystery, but many of those who love this “delicacy” consider Kasa martus an unusual taste. This dangerous dish contributes to the infection of the body by the above-mentioned larvae, causes food poisoning and severe allergic reactions.

Cassava plant

The African plant cassava grows in the jungle and serves as raw material for the preparation of flour and various dishes. The danger of the dish lies in the hydrocyanic acid contained in the roots and leaves of cassava. It is pure hydrogen cyanide - a toxic substance that even on an industrial scale is used only in solid forms, so that in no way can the workers of enterprises manage to get poisoned.
However, chefs from Africa consider themselves masters of cooking cassava. They skillfully clean and wash the plant, then soak it and boil it so that not a single milligram of cyanide enters the ready dish. But even a microscopic dose of this substance can instantly kill a person, so eating cassava is not recommended.

Elderberry plant

The elderberry known in our latitudes can also bring much grief to the one who tries it. The plant reproduces well, like a weed, in a temperate continental climate, located on the numerous coasts of rivers. Used elderberry, among other things, for the production of sambuka , anise , Hungarian anise brandy. Elderberry berries contain a lot of vitamin C.
What are dangerous dishes of elderberry? The fact is that the immature berries of this plant contain a lot of poison, which is dangerous for human health and life. With the full ripening of elderberry, the poison from the berries disappears.

Keluak seed

The strange word kelawak actually denotes a seed from the fruit of the kepaying tree. In it, as well as in the cassava, a lot of prussic acid that can poison a person. To eliminate such a harmful and dangerous ingredient, kelahuak is subjected to torture - it is first boiled, then instilled in banana leaves and ashes for 40 days , and only after all these manipulations are eaten. It is believed that so kelawak becomes a very fragrant and completely harmless product.

Fermented Copalchen Meat

The traditional dish of northerners Copalchen contains a huge amount of cadaveric poison. This dangerous dish is prepared by fermenting venison or seal meat. With a formed habit of eating such food, there is practically no harm to the body, but only those who have eaten meat with cadaveric poisons all their lives since childhood can boast of it and have developed an antidote to such food. In others, cadaveric poisons usually cause severe poisoning and subsequent death.

Jamaican fruit aki

Fruit Aki
The national fruit of Jamaica, aki, is truly poisonous to humans. Nevertheless, it is still actively eaten in this country. It is believed that only aki with seeds that contain toxins hypoglycin A and hypoglycin B can be considered a dangerous dish. That is why in national dishes of Jamaica aki is thoroughly cleaned of seeds. If this is not done, you can get a disease known in the world medical practice as the “Jamaican emetic syndrome”.

Giant jellyfish

Poisonous jellyfish
Giant poisonous jellyfish live in the ocean near the Japanese coast, exterminating all the tuna in these waters. The authorities invented to lure tourists with a dangerous dish - a delicacy of a giant jellyfish, in order to reduce its concentration in the waters at least a little and save tuna. The principle of cooking poisonous jellyfish is related to the preparation of fugu - it is important to correctly select and remove poisonous parts, however, if at least one of the dangerous parts is not removed, the lethal outcome to the gourmet is ensured.

Poisonous stone fish

Stone fish
A dish of deadly fish-stone for a strange reason is popular in Japanese restaurants. The fact is that this type of fish that lives in the Pacific and Indian oceans is deadly when a person touches their fin. The instantaneous emission of a fish-stone poisoning paralyzes the human spinal cord. But Japanese chefs remove the dorsal poison fin and use the meat of this fish in the preparation of sashimi.

Along with vegetables and fruits, nuts are an important part of our diet. They have a remarkable biochemical composition, since they contain a wide range of trace elements and vitamins, as well as fats and proteins . The useful properties of this product are very numerous: it has a beneficial effect on cognitive activity, increases the body's resistance, maintains healthy hair and skin, strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel, and also raises the level of hemoglobin.
However, among the variety of nuts, some can be considered the absolute favorites of nutritionists. So which nuts are the most useful?


It is one of the leaders in the content of magnesium . As a result, adding it to the diet will reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, including the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks. In addition, peanuts have a mild choleretic effect. It is also useful for the representatives of the stronger sex, because it increases the male power. At the same time, it should be noted that peanuts are contraindicated for arthrosis, arthritis and gout . Also, with caution in the use of this product should be approached to people who are prone to high blood pressure. The daily allowance of peanuts ranges from fifteen to twenty kernels.

Brazilian nut

One of its main advantages is that it very quickly gives a feeling of fullness. It is enough to eat only a few of the nucleoli to diminish the feeling of hunger. In addition, Brazil nuts normalize the pancreas and blood glucoselevels, and are also useful for the prevention of cancer. It should not be forgotten that Brazil nuts are allergens, and in addition they have the property of accumulating radioactive substances. Per day, nutritionists recommend eating two or three nucleoli.


WalnutThis nut is the most popular and affordable, at the same time it is considered the most useful. Walnuts should be added to your diet suffering from anemia, neuralgia, beriberi. In addition, some studies suggest that this product reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors. From the diet, it should be excluded in intestinal disorders, ulcers, as well as with a tendency to gain excess weight. Per day you can eat no more than five nuts.

Pine nuts

These little nuts are a real storehouse of antioxidants . They perfectly increase the resistance of the body, and also very well absorbed. Because of this, nutritionists recommend adding them to the diet for children and expectant mothers. They are also recommended for emotional disorders, problems with hair and skin. People who suffer from insomnia are advised to eat several fragrant nucleoli before bedtime. However, this product is not recommended for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Per day is recommended to eat about two tablespoons of nuts.

Cashew nuts

One of the main advantages of these nuts is their low allergenicity. In addition, they help strengthen the body's defenses, normalize the heart rate, improve the quality of tooth enamel. Nutritionists recommend including these nuts in the diet of people suffering from asthma, hypertension and diabetes. It should be borne in mind that cashew contains plant oxalates, which, when combined with calcium , can increase the risk of calculus in the kidneys. The daily consumption rate is ten to fifteen pieces.


AlmondThis nut is the leader in fiber and protein. Also, this nut is useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, relieves muscle cramps and helps to normalize the sugar content in the blood. At the same time, almonds are contraindicated with a tendency to tachycardia, is not recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and can also provoke a reaction of individual intolerance. Nutritionists recommend eating 15-20 kernels of almonds a day.


They are rich in copper and phosphorus , as well as other trace elements. Pistachios help strengthen blood vessels, improve liver function, and also increase male libido. Also, these nuts help with intellectual fatigue, align the emotional background. They are recommended to add to the diet of pregnant women to minimize the manifestations of toxicosis. At the same time pistachios are allergic, and also not recommended for hypertensive patients. The daily rate is fifteen nucleoli.


Hazelnuts - a source of polyunsaturated fats , minerals and vitamin E . At the same time, due to the low carbohydrate content ,  hazelnuts are considered relatively dietary. In addition, it helps lower cholesterol levels , helps to cope with avitaminosis. In this case, hazelnuts can provoke a headache. The daily rate should not exceed ten nucleoli.


PecanA close relative of a walnut has the ability to lower cholesterol levels. In addition, the nutrients contained in it help reduce the risk of developing cancer. Also, pecans are recommended for hypovitaminosis, anemia, decreased libido. At the same time, peeled nuts should not be stored for a long time, as their taste deteriorates and a bitter taste appears. With a tendency to obesity, the use of this product should be minimized, since it is very high in calories. Pecan is not recommended for children under three years old, because this product may cause an individual intolerance reaction. Per day you can eat no more than 50 g of nuts.
Nutritionists recommend purchasing packed nuts, because in this way you can be sure that the product is protected from dirt, dust and pathogens. Please note that the maximum shelf life of nuts in a package does not exceed six months. After that, they begin to produce harmful substances that can trigger poisoning.
To reinsure yourself, bought nuts without a shell before use, rinse under running water. After that, put them on a baking sheet and calcine for a quarter of an hour on low heat. Despite the fact that nuts, when roasting, lose a certain amount of healthy oils, you will minimize the risk of poisoning.

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